Other papers
I. Nutini et al. (CUORE Collaboration). Latest Results from the CUORE Experiment. J. Low Temp. Phys. , (2022).
K.Alfonso, C.Bucci, L.Canonica, P.Carniti, S.Di Domizio, A.Giachero, C.Gotti, L.Marini, I.Nutini, G.Pessina. An automated system to define the optimal operating settings of cryogenic calorimeters. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A 1008, 165451 (2021).
A. Campani et al. (CUORE Collaboration). Status and results from the CUORE experiment. Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 36, 2044016 (2020).
A. Campani et al. (CUORE Collaboration). Lowering the Energy Threshold of the CUORE Experiment: Benefits in the Surface Alpha Events Reconstruction. J. Low Temp. Phys. 200, 321-330 (2020).
S. Copello, S. Di Domizio, A. Branca, A. Caminata, L. Canonica, A. Giachero, E. Guardincerri, L. Marini, M. Pallavicini, M. Vignati. The CUORE Data Acquisition System. J. Low Temp. Phys. 199, 258–263 (2020).
D. Q. Adams et al. (CUORE Collaboration). CUORE: The first bolometric experiment at the ton scale for the search for neutrino-less double beta decay. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A 958, 162440 (2020).
V. Dompè, C. Bucci, L. Canonica, A. D’Addabbo, S. Di Domizio, G. Fantini, P. Gorla, L. Marini, A. Nucciotti, I. Nutini, C. Rusconi, B. Schmidt, B. Welliver. The CUORE Pulse Tube Noise Cancellation Technique. J. Low Temp. Phys. 200, 286–294 (2020).
C. Alduino et al.. The CUORE cryostat: An infrastructure for rare event searches at millikelvin temperatures. Cryogenics 102, 9-21 (2019). arxiv:1904.05745
S. Di Domizio, A. Branca, A. Caminata, L. Canonica, S. Copello, A. Giachero, E. Guardincerri, L. Marini, M. Pallavicini and M. Vignatii. A data acquisition and control system for large mass bolometer arrays. JINST 13, P12003 (2018). arxiv:1807.11446
A. D’Addabbo et al.. The CUORE Cryostat. J. Low Temp. Phys. 193, 867–875 (2018). arxiv:1805.06209
A. D’Addabbo, C. Bucci, L. Canonica, S. Di Domizio, P. Gorla, L. Marini, A. Nucciotti, I. Nutini, C. Rusconi, and B. Welliver. An active noise cancellation technique for the CUORE Pulse Tube cryocoolers. Cryogenics 93, 56-65 (2018). arxiv:1712.02753
K. Alfonso, P. Carniti, L. Cassina, A. Giachero, C. Gotti, and G. Pessina. A high precision pulse generation and stabilization system for bolometric experiments. JINST 13, P02029 (2018). arxiv:1710.05565
C. Arnaboldi, P. Carniti, L. Cassina, C. Gotti, X. Liu, M. Maino, G. Pessina, C. Rosenfeld and B.X. Zhu. A front-end electronic system for large arrays of bolometers. JINST 13, P02026 (2018). arxiv:1710.06365
G. Benato, D. Biare, C. Bucci, L. Di Paolo, A. Drobizhev, R.W. Kadel, Yu.G. Kolomensky, J. Schreiner, V. Singh, T. Sipla, J. Wallig and S. Zimmermann. Radon mitigation during the installation of the CUORE 0νββ decay detector. JINST 13, P01010 (2018). arxiv:1711.07936
C. Bucci, P. Carniti, L. Cassina, C. Gotti, A. Pelosi, G. Pessina, M. Turqueti, and S. Zimmermann. The Faraday room of the CUORE experiment. JINST 12, P12013 (2017). arxiv:1710.05614
J. S. Cushman et al. The detector calibration system for the CUORE cryogenic bolometer array. Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 844, 32-44 (2017). arxiv:1608.01607
C. Arnaboldi, A. Baù, P. Carniti, L. Cassina, A. Giachero, C. Gotti, M. Maino, A. Passerini, and G. Pessina. Very low noise AC/DC power supply systems for large detector arrays. Review of Scientific Instruments 86, 124703 (2015).
B. S. Wang, E. B. Norman, N. D. Scielzo, A. R. Smith, K. J. Thomas, and S. A. Wender. Cosmogenic-neutron activation of TeO₂ and implications for neutrinoless double-β decay experiments. Physical Review C 92, 024620 (2015). arxiv:1503.02095
J. Ouellet. The Coldest Cubic Meter in the Known Universe. arxiv:1410.1560
A. Buccheri, M. Capodiferro, S. Morganti, F. Orio, A. Pelosi, and V. Pettinacci. An assembly line for the construction of ultra-pure detectors. Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 768, 130-140 (2014). arxiv:1405.0852
F. Alessandria et al. The 4 K outer cryostat for the CUORE experiment: Construction and quality control. Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 727, 65-72 (2013). arxiv:1306.1351
A. F. Barghouty et al. Measurements of proton-induced radionuclide production cross sections to evaluate cosmic-ray activation of tellurium. Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 295, 16-21 (2013). arxiv:1010.4066
C. Mancini-Terracciano and M. Vignati. Noise correlation and decorrelation in arrays of bolometric detectors. Journal of Instrumentation 7, P06013 (2012). arxiv:1203.1782
E. Andreotti, C. Brofferio, L. Foggetta, A. Giuliani, B. Margesin, C. Nones, M. Pedretti, C. Rusconi, C. Salvioni, and M. Tenconi. Production, characterization, and selection of the heating elements for the response stabilization of the CUORE bolometers. Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 664, 161-170 (2012).
M. Clemenza, C. Maiano, L. Pattavina, and E. Previtali. Radon-induced surface contaminations in low background experiments. European Physical Journal C 71, 1805 (2011).
M. Carrettoni and M. Vignati. Signal and noise simulation of large-mass bolometric detectors. Journal of Instrumentation 6, P08007 (2011). arxiv:1106.3902
L. Foggetta, A. Giuliania, C. Nones, M. Pedretti, C. Salvioni, and S. Sangiorgio. Composite macro-bolometers for the rejection of surface radioactive background in rare-event experiments. Astroparticle Physics 34, 809-821 (2011). arxiv:1103.1695
S. Di Domizio, F. Orio, and M. Vignati. Lowering the energy threshold of large mass bolometric detectors. Journal of Instrumentation 6, P02007 (2011). arxiv:1012.1263
M. Vignati. Model of the Response Function of Large Mass Bolometric Detectors. Journal of Applied Physics 108, 084903 (2010). arxiv:1006.4043
F. Bellini, C. Bucci, S. Capelli, O. Cremonesi, L. Gironi, M. Martinez, M. Pavan, C. Tomei, and M. Vignati. Monte Carlo evaluation of the external gamma, neutron and muon induced background sources in the CUORE experiment. Astroparticle Physics 33, 169-174 (2010). arxiv:0912.0452
E Andreotti et al.. The low radioactivity link of the CUORE experiment. Journal of Instrumentation 4, P09003 (2009).
M. Redshaw, B. J. Mount, E. G. Myers, and F. T. Avignone III. Masses of Te-130 and Xe-130 and Double-β-Decay Q Value of Te-130. Physical Review Letters 102, 212502 (2009). arxiv:0902.2139
M. Pavan, C. Callegaro, S. Capelli, M. Carrettoni, M. Clemenza, L. Gironi, P. Gorla, C. Maiano, C. Nones, and M. Pedretti. Control of bulk and surface radioactivity in bolometric searches for double-beta decay. European Physical Journal A 36, 159-166 (2008).
M. Barucci, L. Lolli, L. Risegari, and G. Ventura. Measurement of thermal conductivity of the supports of CUORE cryostat. Cryogenics 48, 166-168 (2008).
C. Arnaboldi, C. Bucci, S. Capelli, P. Gorla, E. Guardincerri, A. Nucciotti, G. Pessina, S. Pirro, and M. Sisti. The Temperature Stabilization System of CUORICINO: An Array of Macro Bolometers. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 52, 1630-1637 (2005).
L. Foggetta, A. Giuliani, C. Nones, M. Pedretti and S. Sangiorgio. Surface-sensitive macrobolometers for the identification of external charged particles. Applied Physics Letters 86, 134106 (2005). arxiv:0909.0806
C. Arnaboldi, G. Pessina, and E. Previtali. A Programmable Calibrating Pulse Generator With Multi-Outputs and Very High Stability. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 50, 979-986 (2003).
C. Arnaboldi et al. The Programmable Front-End System for CUORICINO, An Array of Large-Mass Bolometers. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 49, 2440-2447 (2002).
C. Arnaboldi, C. Bucci, O. Cremonesi, A. Fascilla, A. Nucciotti, M. Pavan, G. Pessina, S. Pirro, E. Previtali, and M. Sisti. Low-Frequency Noise Characterization of Very Large Value Resistors. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 49, 1808-1813 (2002).
M. Barucci, C. Brofferio, A. Giuliani, E. Gottardi, I. Peroni, and G. Ventura. Measurement of Low Temperature Specific Heat of Crystalline TeO2 for the Optimization of Bolometric Detectors. Journal of Low Temperature Physics 123, 303-314 (2001).
A. Alessandrello et al.. Measurements of internal radioactive contamination in samples of Roman lead to be used in experiments on rare events. Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 142, 163-172 (1998).